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What is the Best Insulation for a Cavity Wall

What is the Best Insulation for a Cavity Wall?

If you’re a homeowner or someone involved in the construction industry, you might have come across the term “cavity wall insulation.” Cavity wall insulation is a crucial element in ensuring energy efficiency and comfort in buildings. It helps to keep the indoor environment warm during winters and cool during summers. But what exactly is the best insulation for a cavity wall? In this article, we will explore the different types of cavity wall insulation available and help you understand which one suits your needs the best. The article is brought to you by

Understanding Cavity Walls

Before delving into the best insulation types, let’s first understand what cavity walls are. A cavity wall is a construction technique where two layers of brickwork are separated by a cavity. This cavity acts as an essential barrier against heat loss, preventing it from escaping outside.

The Need for Cavity Wall Insulation

While cavity walls offer some inherent cavity wall insulation, adding insulation material can significantly enhance their energy-saving properties. Cavity wall insulation fills the gap between the two layers of brickwork, reducing heat transfer and saving energy consumption.

Types of Cavity Wall Insulation

Spray Foam Insulation

Spray foam insulation is a popular choice for cavity walls due to its excellent insulating properties. It is applied as a liquid that expands and solidifies, filling all gaps and voids. The foam forms an airtight seal, preventing any air leakage, and offers high thermal resistance.

Mineral Wool Insulation

Mineral wool, also known as rock wool or stone wool, is another widely used insulation material. It is made from natural minerals, offering good thermal and acoustic properties. Mineral wool insulation is non-combustible and resistant to moisture.

Expanded Polystyrene (EPS) Beads

EPS beads are small granules of expanded polystyrene, and they are injected into the cavity to create insulation. They are lightweight, easy to install, and provide reliable thermal insulation.

Blown-Fiber Insulation

Blown-fiber insulation involves blowing insulating material, usually fiberglass, into the cavity using special equipment. This method is effective for existing buildings where retrofitting is required.

Polyurethane Foam Insulation

Polyurethane foam is an advanced and highly efficient insulation material. It provides exceptional thermal insulation and has excellent moisture resistance properties.

Factors to Consider

Thermal Performance

When choosing the best insulation for a cavity wall, consider its thermal performance. The higher the thermal resistance (R-value), the better the insulation.

Moisture Resistance

Moisture can degrade insulation over time. Opt for insulation materials that are moisture-resistant to ensure long-lasting effectiveness.

Eco-Friendly Options

If sustainability is a priority, look for eco-friendly insulation materials that have a low carbon footprint.

Installation Process

Insulating a cavity wall requires specialized knowledge and equipment. Always hire a professional installer to ensure proper and effective insulation.

Benefits of Cavity Wall InsulationWhat is the Best Insulation for a Cavity Wall

Energy Savings

Cavity wall insulation reduces the need for heating and cooling, leading to significant energy savings and lower utility bills.

Increased Comfort

By regulating indoor temperatures, cavity wall insulation improves overall comfort levels within the building.

Noise Reduction

Some insulation materials also offer excellent soundproofing properties, reducing noise transmission from outside.


Investing in cavity wall insulation is a wise decision for any property owner looking to improve energy efficiency, reduce utility bills, and enhance overall comfort. Each type of insulation has its unique benefits, and the best choice depends on factors like thermal performance, moisture resistance, and environmental impact.

With a professional installation and the right choice of insulation material, you can transform your cavity wall into an energy-efficient and comfortable barrier against the elements.


  1. Can I install cavity wall insulation myself?

While DIY insulation might seem like a cost-effective option, it is best to hire a professional to ensure proper installation and avoid any issues that could arise from incorrect procedures.

  1. Will cavity wall insulation increase my property’s value?

Yes, cavity wall insulation can increase your property’s value as it enhances energy efficiency and makes the building more appealing to potential buyers.

  1. How long does cavity wall insulation last?

Properly installed cavity wall insulation can last for several decades, providing long-term energy-saving benefits.

  1. Can cavity wall insulation cause dampness?

If installed correctly, cavity wall insulation should not cause dampness. In fact, it can help prevent dampness by keeping the interior walls dry.

  1. Is cavity wall insulation suitable for all types of buildings?

Cavity wall insulation is suitable for most buildings with cavity walls. However, it is essential to consult a professional to determine its suitability for your specific property.