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What Can I Use Instead of Egg Yolk in Mayonnaise?

What Can I Use Instead of Egg Yolk in Mayonnaise? 

If you’re an avid home cook or a culinary enthusiast, you’ve probably found yourself in situations where you’re missing a crucial ingredient for your recipe. One such scenario might involve making mayonnaise without egg yolk. Whether you’re looking for a vegan alternative, have an egg allergy, or simply ran out of eggs, fear not! There are several fantastic substitutes that can maintain the creamy texture and delightful flavor of mayonnaise. In this article, we’ll dive into the world of egg yolk replacements and explore some mouthwatering options that will leave your taste buds satisfied and your dishes absolutely delectable. This content is brought to you by

Silken Tofu: A Creamy Plant-Based Delight

Silken tofu is a remarkable ingredient that has earned its place in the hearts of many plant-based and health-conscious individuals. Its smooth, creamy texture makes it an excellent candidate for replacing egg yolk in mayonnaise. To make homemade mayonnaise with egg whites, simply blend soft silken tofu with a touch of vinegar or lemon juice, a pinch of salt, and a drizzle of oil. You’ll be amazed by how well it emulates the richness of traditional mayonnaise.

Avocado: Nature’s Creamy Gift

Avocado, the beloved superfruit, can also step up as a brilliant substitute for egg yolk in mayonnaise. Its lush and buttery consistency makes for a velvety mayo that’s both wholesome and delightful. Mash ripe avocado with a hint of Dijon mustard, a splash of apple cider vinegar, and a dash of salt. The result is a tantalizing green-hued mayonnaise that adds a unique twist to your sandwiches and salads.

Greek Yogurt: Tangy and Luxurious

Greek yogurt is renowned for its tangy flavor and creamy profile. When used as a substitute for egg yolk in mayonnaise, it creates a luscious and tangy spread that’s perfect for wraps, dips, and dressings. Simply mix Greek yogurt with a touch of lemon juice, garlic powder, and a drizzle of olive oil. The end product is a refreshing and probiotic-packed mayo that’s both delicious and nutritious.

Aquafaba: The Magical Chickpea Elixir

Aquafaba, the liquid found in canned chickpeas, might sound like an unconventional choice, but it’s truly magical when it comes to mimicking egg yolk in recipes. Whisk aquafaba until it’s frothy, then gradually incorporate oil, mustard, vinegar, and salt. The result is a surprisingly authentic mayo with a light and airy texture that’s sure to impress your taste buds.

What Can I Use Instead of Egg Yolk in Mayonnaise?

Cashews: Creaminess in Every Bite

Cashews are a versatile ingredient that can be transformed into a velvety base for your eggless mayo. Soak cashews until they’re soft, then blend them with lemon juice, garlic, and a touch of nutritional yeast for a cheesy undertone. The outcome is a smooth and creamy mayo that adds a delectable nutty essence to your culinary creations.

Mustard Magic: Embracing the Power of Mustard

Mustard may not be the first thing that comes to mind when thinking of egg yolk substitutes, but its emulsifying properties make it a valuable ingredient for creating a creamy texture. Combine Dijon mustard with oil, lemon juice, and a pinch of salt. The result is a zesty and flavorful mayo that works wonderfully in various dishes.

Hummus Harmony: Merging Flavors

Hummus, a beloved dip made from chickpeas, can serve as an unexpectedly delightful alternative to egg yolk in mayonnaise. Its earthy flavors and smooth texture add depth to your mayo, making it a superb option for sandwiches and wraps. Mix hummus with a splash of vinegar, a hint of garlic, and a drizzle of olive oil for a mayo that’s both creamy and full of character.

Coconut Cream: Tropically Tempting

For a touch of the tropics, consider using coconut cream as a substitute for egg yolk in mayonnaise. Its rich and velvety consistency, derived from coconut milk, adds a tropical flair to your dishes. Blend coconut cream with lime juice, a pinch of salt, and a dash of agave syrup for a mayo that transports your taste buds to a sunny paradise.

Miso Marvel: Umami Unleashed

Miso paste, known for its umami-rich flavors, can elevate your mayo game to a whole new level. Mix white miso paste with oil, rice vinegar, and a touch of maple syrup for a mayo that’s both savory and slightly sweet. The umami notes from the miso perfectly complement a range of dishes, making it a unique and intriguing egg yolk substitute.

Tahini Twist: Sesame Sophistication

Tahini, a paste made from sesame seeds, can bring a delightful nutty essence to your eggless mayo. Its bold flavors and creamy texture create a mayo that’s both luxurious and distinctive. Blend tahini with lemon juice, garlic powder, and a drizzle of olive oil for a mayo that’s perfect for drizzling over roasted vegetables or using as a dip.

In conclusion, the world of egg yolk substitutes is vast and flavorful, offering a myriad of options for creating creamy and delicious mayonnaise. Whether you’re following a plant-based diet, have dietary restrictions, or simply want to try something new, these alternatives provide exciting opportunities to experiment with unique flavors and textures. So go ahead and embark on a culinary adventure by exploring these egg yolk substitutes – your taste buds will thank you! And if you’re feeling especially adventurous in the kitchen, you might even want to explore cooking techniques like how to cook lobster tail to further elevate your culinary skills and delight your senses.


Q1: Can I combine different egg yolk substitutes for mayonnaise?

Absolutely! Feel free to get creative and experiment by combining various substitutes to achieve your desired flavor and texture.

Q2: How long does homemade eggless mayo stay fresh?

Homemade eggless mayo typically stays fresh for about 5-7 days when stored in an airtight container in the refrigerator.

Q3: Can I use egg white instead of egg yolk in mayo?

While egg white can provide some emulsifying properties, it may not yield the same rich and creamy texture that egg yolk does.

Q4: What can I use eggless mayo for, besides sandwiches?

Eggless mayo is incredibly versatile! You can use it as a dip for veggies, a base for salad dressings, or a spread for wraps and burgers.

Q5: Where can I find aquafaba?

Aquafaba is the liquid from canned chickpeas. Simply drain a can of chickpeas and reserve the liquid to use in your recipes.